ITS BACT and Campania Region facilitated 2 sessions at AHL Napoli 2023 held from 13th to 15th November. The first session on 13th November brought together a number of experts on the subject of “Strengthening the impact of healthy nutrition in primary food care – NECTAR Hands-on knowledge exchange”. The session was dedicated to understanding… Continua a leggere NECTAR @ AHL NAPOLI 2023

Spoonable bread for Care home residents with swallowing problems.

A mealtime is often the most important – and most enjoyable – moment of the day, because food triggers taste buds, and creates a small moment of happiness and a positive experience for many.However, chewing and swallowing problems are important risk factors for loss of appetite and malnutrition. This is a well-known challenge in elderly… Continua a leggere Spoonable bread for Care home residents with swallowing problems.