aN Eu Curriculum for Chef gasTro-engineering
in primAry food caRe

aN Eu Curriculum for Chef gasTro-engineering
in primAry food caRe


Workplan structure

WP1: Management
WP2: Definition of a chef gastro engineering occupational profile
WP3: Design and localization of the CGA EU curriculum
WP4: Materials and Tools supporting trainers in the curriculum implementation
WP5: Pilots delivery
WP6: Evaluation
WP7: Dissemination, exploitation, scaling-up and sustainability of project results
WP8: Quality assurance


The NECTAR workplan is based on a set of activities including:
  • Definition of an EU reference Occupational Profile for Chef Gastro Engineering (CGE) which could provide the baseline for the EU Curriculum and for the definition of the CGE qualification;
  • Designing learning-outcome based Curriculum for Chef Gastro Engineering which could play a reference role at EU level for VET targeting this qualification;
  • Developing specific tools and guides supporting VET designers in the instantiation of the EU Curriculum into local curricula;
  • Design and development of an educational toolkit platform and materials enabling advanced teaching and learning;
  • Defining guidelines for the validation and recognition of prior learning (formal and informal) in order to access the CGE Curriculum at the proper “entry-level” (EQF4);
  • Designing five localized curricula for CGE and five pilot courses that will be implemented in Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Austria;
  • Evaluation and Quality assurance of the project results;
  • Dissemination of the project outputs among different stakeholders;
  • Exploitation of the results and assurance for project sustainability.
  • Each activity has been structured in Work Packages (WP) and Tasks, coordinated by different partners. In particular, the NECTAR Project’s activities are structured in 8 WPs:
  • Management (led by: ODISEE);
  • Definition of FCN professional profile (led by: ODISEE);
  • Design and localization of the FCN European Curriculum (led by: SI4LIFE);
  • Definition of appropriate tools and methods for delivery (led by: MUG);
  • Delivery of Pilot Courses (led by: ODISEE);
  • Evaluation (led by: UALG);
  • Dissemination, exploitation and sustainability (led by: RSCN);
  • Quality assurance (led by: WIAB).