The NECTAR project formally ends but…. we still have something to share with you! Download our last newsletter and stay in contact.
The NECTAR project formally ends but…. we still have something to share with you! Download our last newsletter and stay in contact.
ITS BACT and Campania Region facilitated 2 sessions at AHL Napoli 2023 held from 13th to 15th November. The first session on 13th November brought
NECTAR project is rapidly coming to its conclusion. Partners will present the results from the project and discuss the opportunities for expanding the network
Developing a European Network for the Education and Training of Chefs and Cooks Working In Health and Care Settings Based on a “culinary-clinical integrated approach”,
Two chefs gastro-engineering (CGE), together with first-year students from the hotel school in the Netherlands, cooked an educational lunch on taste steering and texture modification
A mealtime is often the most important – and most enjoyable – moment of the day, because food triggers taste buds, and creates a small
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