Campania Region - Organization Unit of Vocational Training (U.O.D. 50.11.04)

This section should be maximum 1500 characters including spaces. Campania Region is the public Authority responsible for the government and the development of the whole territory of the Region. The Region of Campania is in the south of Italy with a surface of 13670.95 km² and counts more of 5 milions of inhabitants. “Executive board” of Campania Region is divided into several Directorates-General and services. The General Directorate 50.11.00 is responsible for the development of policies in the field of Educational, Vocational training, Labour and Youth Policy The Organization Unit of Vocational Training (U.O.D. 50.11.04) of Campania Region is the sector included in the General Directorate 50.11.00 responsible for the development of policies in the field of Educational, Vocational training, Labour and Youth Policy. The U.O.D 50.11.04 of Campania Region promotes the training and professional improvement of its citizens in order to make effective the right to work and to choose it freely, and to foster the growth of workers’ personalities through the acquisition of a professional culture”. Considered as an employability-measure instrument, vocational training aims “to foster employment, production, and the evolution of work organization in line with scientific and technological progress”. Vocational training can be considered as the main way of bringing about an increased employment and proposals to develop the training system in particular include identification of new professional profiles and roles (professional qualifications) that can answer to concrete and real needs of the job market, encouragement for alternance training, which can help to remedy the problems and the length of the transition between school and work, and continuing training to safeguard and improve human resource qualifications. The UOD 50.11.04 of Campania Region undertakes, among other things, to give fresh impetus to research and innovation to the Professional Qualification System of Campania Region (regional registry of professions), named “Repertorio Regionale dei Titoli e delle Qualificazioni (RRTQ)” (approved by the D.G.R. n. 223 on the 27/06/2014) and to sustain the reform of the training system through the development and improvement of quality standards of training vocational courses recognized and certified by Campania Region and the development of the regional system for identification, validation and recognition (certification) of competences and professional qualification acquired.

Role in the project

As partner of the project Nectar, the General Directorate 50.11 of Campania Region Authority, has the general role to promote the recognition of the new professional profile “CGE – Chef Gastro Engineer” and favour its promotion in the whole territory of the region. The new professional profile will be included in the Professional Qualification System of Campania Region (regional registry of professions), named “Repertorio Regionale dei Titoli e delle Qualificazioni (RRTQ), managed by the Organization Unit of Vocational Training (U.O.D. 50.11.04) of Campania Region. The admission to the regional registry of profession will make possible to replicate the training course also after the end of the project and so it will be possible to increase the human resource (citizens) professional qualifications and also employability opportunities for all, especially for young people. The General Directorate 50.11 of Campania Region will promote in its territory some awareness initiatives and meetings in order to involve some main local actors (University, Research centre, Associations of cooks, and so on), interested to the development of the new professional profile “CGE – Chef Gastro Engineer”. The “local Cluster” will give further added value to the project because develop territorial good synergies and give contributions both to increasing the quality of the new professional profile “CGE”, promoted by NECTAR project and spread and valorize of the new professional profile everywhere