Odisee University of Applied Sciences is an institution for higher education in Belgium with over 10.000 students and 1.100 staff members. The campuses are dynamic centers of education, applied research and services to the community. They are located in the center of Belgium, on the axis Brussels, Aalst, Ghent and Sint-Niklaas. The education, research and community services of Odisee are grouped in six fields of study: Biotechnology, Commercial Sciences and Business Studies, Education, Health Care, Industrial Sciences and Technology and Social and Community Work.
Odisee is a member of the Catholic University of Louvain Association, a co-operation of higher education institutions headed by the largest and oldest University of Flanders. This open and dynamic network links Universities of Applied Sciences across Flanders and Brussels with the University of Louvain. The Association members strengthen each other by exchanging expertise and pooling resources, which enables them to improve the quality of their research and teaching. The research at Odisee University of Applied Sciences is done in close collaboration with the professional field and with the involvement of relevant stakeholders.
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