The state professional Institute trains qualified personnel for the highest levels of enogastronomic and hotel accommodation providing five-year study courses and three-year regional courses for Education and Vocational Training (IEFP) delegated by the Liguria Region.
The school hosts approximately 1,400 students and 184 members of the teaching staff.
The five-year study courses are structured with a common biennium.
Starting from the third class, students specialize in one of the four courses:
1)Food and Wine Course (Cuisine)
2) Food and Wine Course (Pastry and bakery)
3) Food and Wine Course (Dining Room service/Sale)
4) Tourist Reception Course
In the three-year regional course students obtain the qualification of “Operator of catering services” (kitchen sector or hall/bar) or “Operator of reception services”.
The school courses include periods of mandatory work placement. Internships are carried out at companies selected within over 600 companies between restaurants and hotels and the main national associations that operate in catering services. Moreover the Institute interacts with institutions such as Liguria Region government, Genova City Hall, National Health Care, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU), a scientific society that brings together scholars and experts from all areas related to the world of nutrition, the Zoo-prophylactic Institute, University of Genoa ( Medicine Department of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition), the Italian Federation of Chefs
Marco Polo Institute implements a pilot course for CGE in Liguria, a VET course awarding a specialization of the chef qualification at EQF4 level. The school will be involved in validation of prior competencies of candidates and planning and implementation of the pilot, making halls and laboratories available, as well as professional resources.The 1000-hour course will include work-based learning, e-learning, workshops and frontal lessons and will involve 25-40 participants.