The independent “Center for Gastrology” in Leuven (Belgium) was opened in February 2011. One of the aims is to highlight tasty, healthy and safe food as a primary solution to malnutrition among senior citizens. By putting the taste preferences and aversions on food of the elderly people first, the Center wants to respond on the rising expectations for the quality of life and the capacity to have full and purposeful lives.
The gastrological practice based evidence approach offers new perspectives. It fits in an integrated high quality foodcare approach which is fair, accessible and responsive to the individual needs of those who use foodservices and their carers. For the Center the food on the plate, the surrounding service and the ability to choose are factors that affect a person’s quality of life.
The Center for Gastrology is the key player and founding organisation of the Chef Gastro-Engineering. They offer the current curriculum, together with Odisee, for over 13 years. They will play a major role in WP5 Pilots, and offer their broad experience to give body to the curriculum.