The work of NECTAR Partner Center of Gastrology highlighted in Belgian television programme

Taste disturbance due to chemotherapy can be overcome by educated chefs. With the support of experts from NECTAR partner Center of Gastrology the Belgian National Broadcasting Corporation Factcheckers program reported on the problems chemotherapy patients encounter with taste and how adjusting the taste of food can make it more appetizing and attractive to eat. Watch… Continua a leggere The work of NECTAR Partner Center of Gastrology highlighted in Belgian television programme

NECTAR Partner Marco Polo promoting the Salt Awareness Week

The World  Reduction of Salt Consumption Week is an annual event promoted by WASSH (World Action on Salt, Sugar & Health). It will be held from the 8th to 14th March 2021.The Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU) is associated with this initiative and, through its involvement, the NECTAR partner IPSSAR Marco Polo acts as… Continua a leggere NECTAR Partner Marco Polo promoting the Salt Awareness Week